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Kamal Singhrao

Kamal Singhrao, PhD



  • Medical Physics Residency, University of California, San Francisco, Department of Radiation Oncology (2021 – 2023)
  • Ph.D. in Physics and Biology in Medicine (therapeutic medical physics track) – Sept. 2020. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • M.S. in Physics and Biology in Medicine (therapeutic medical physics track) – Oct. 2017. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • M.Sc. in Physics – Sept. 2015. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  • B.S. in Physics (Astronomy and Planetary Sciences minor) – Mar. 2012. University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USA.

Awards & Honors 

  • John R. Cameron Young Investigator Competition Finalist – Jul. 2019. American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
  • Physics and Biology in Medicine Interdepartmental Travel Award – May 2019. Physics and Biology in Medicine Interdepartmental Program, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • Norman A. Bailey Best Abstract Award, 3rd place – May 2017. Southern California Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting.
  • Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship – Sept. 2015. UCLA Graduate Division, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • Mount Zion Health Fund Travel Grant – Apr. 2013. UCSF Medical Center, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
  • Physics Departmental Honors – Mar. 2012. University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USA.

Selected Publications, Abstracts and Posters

First Authored Publications

  • K. Singhrao, J. Fu, N.R. Parikh, A.G. Mikaeilian, D Ruan, A.U. Kishan, J.H. Lewis, A Generative Adversarial Network-Based (GAN-Based) Architecture for Automatic Fiducial Marker Detection in Prostate MRI-Only Radiotherapy Simulation Images., Medical Physics, Sept. 2020.
  • K. Singhrao, J. Fu, Y. Gao, H.H. Wu, Y. Yang, P. Hu, J.H. Lewis, A Generalized System of Tissue-Mimicking Materials for Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)., Physics in Medicine and Biology, Apr. 2020. K. Singhrao, J. Fu, H.H. Wu, P. Hu, A.U. Kishan, R.K. Chin, J.H. Lewis, A Novel Anthropomorphic Multimodality Phantom for MRI-Based Radiotherapy Quality Assurance Testing., Medical Physics, Jan. 2020.
  • K. Singhrao, D. Ruan, J. Fu, Y. Gao, G. Chee, Y. Yang, C. King, P. Hu, A.U. Kishan, J.H. Lewis, Quantification of Fiducial Marker Visibility for MRI-Only Prostate Radiotherapy Simulation., Physics in Medicine and Biology, Dec. 2019.
  • K. Singhrao, N. Kirby, and J. Pouliot, A three-dimensional head-and-neck phan- tom for validation of multimodality deformable image registration for adaptive radiotherapy, Medical Physics, vol. 41, no. 12, p. 121709, Dec. 2014.

Patent Publications

  • Inventors: K. Singhrao, N. Kirby, and J. Pouliot. Title: Thermoplastic 3-D Phantom. International Patent Number: WO2014165611A1, World Intellectual Property Organization. Filed: Oct. 2014.
  • Inventors: K. Singhrao and J. H. Lewis. Title: Multimodality Phantom Apparatus. International Patent Number: WO2020168054A1, World Intellectual Property Organization. Filed: Feb. 2020.

Co-Authored Publications

  • J. Fu, K. Singhrao, X. Qi, Y. Yang, D. Ruan, J.H. Lewis, A novel 3D multi-path DenseNet for improving automatic segmentation of glioblastoma on pre-operative multi-modal MR images, Medical Physics, Feb. 2021.
  • J. Fu, K. Singhrao, M. Cao, V. Yu, A. P. Santhanam, Y. Yang, M. Guo, A.C. Raldow, D. Ruan, J.H. Lewis., Generation of abdominal synthetic CTs from 0.35T MR images using generative adversarial networks for MR-only liver radiotherapy, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, Jan. 2020.
  • J. Fu, Y. Yang, K. Singhrao, D. Ruan, F-I. Chu, D.A Low, J.H Lewis, Deep learning approaches using 2D and 3D convolutional neural networks for generating male pelvic synthetic computed tomography from magnetic resonance imaging, Medical Physics, Sept. 2019.
  • M. Guo, G. Chee, D. O’Connell, S. Dhou, J. Fu, K. Singhrao, D. Ionascu, D. Ruan, P. Lee, D.A Low, J. Zhao, J.H Lewis, Reconstruction of a high‐quality volumetric image and a respiratory motion model from patient CBCT projections, Medical Physics, Jun. 2019.
  • G. Chee, D. O’Connell, Y.M. Yang, K. Singhrao, D.A Low, J.H Lewis, McSART: an iterative model-based, motion-compensated SART algorithm for CBCT reconstruction, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Apr. 2019.

Oral Presentation Abstracts

  • K. Singhrao, B.S. Stiehl, M.V. Lauria, J. Fu, NR. Parikh, A.U. Kishan, AP. Santhanam, JH. Lewis., MRI-to-CBCT Registration for Alignment of Prostate Cancer Patients in an MRI-only Simulation Workflow: Implementation of a GPU-Accelerated Elasticity-Based Biomechanical Model Mediated by Synthetic-CT Images, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2020.
  • K. Singhrao, J. Fu, A.U. Kishan, J.H. Lewis., A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based Approach for Automatic Fiducial Marker Detection in MR Radiotherapy Simulation Images, American Society of Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, Sept. 2019.
  • K. Singhrao, J. Fu, S. Tenn, H. Wu, P. Hu, M. Cao, A.U. Kishan, R. Chin, J.H. Lewis., A Novel Multimodal Anthropomorphic Physical Pelvis Phantom for MRI-Based Radiotherapy, John R. Cameron Young Investigators Symposium (Finalist), American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2019.
  • K. Singhrao, J. Fu, Y. Gao, P. Hu, Y. Yang, J.H. Lewis., A system of materials capable of mimicking soft tissues and bone with both CT and MR imaging. European Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology Annual Meeting (ESTRO 38), May 2019.
  • K. Singhrao, M. Bostani, A. Hardy, C. Cagnon, and M. McNitt-Gray, The Effects of Various CT Tube Current Modulation (TCM) Schemes On Dose. Do You Really Know What Your TCM Scheme Is Doing?, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2016.
  • K. Singhrao, N. Kirby, and J. Pouliot, The Development of a Set of Deformable Thermoplastic Materials That Mimic Tissue for Kilovoltage and Megavoltage Computed Tomography, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2013.

Poster Presentation Abstracts

  • K. Singhrao, J. Fu, D. Ruan, A.G. Mikaeilian, N.R. Parikh, A.U. Kishan, JH Lewis., Evaluating the Performance of a Generative Adversarial Network-Based (GAN-Based) Architecture for Automatic Detection of Fiducial Markers in Prostate MRI-Only Radiotherapy Images. American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2020.
  • K. Singhrao, S. Park, T. Wong, Y. Gao, M. Guo, J. Fu, P. Hu, Y. Yang, A. Chang, J.H. Lewis, An Image Processing Technique for Identification of Interstitial Catheters in High- and Low-Field MR Guided HDR Brachytherapy, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2018.
  • K. Singhrao, Y. Gao, J. Fu, M. Guo, Y. Yang, P. Hu, A.U. Kishan, C. King, J.H. Lewis, An Evaluation of Fiducial Marker Visibility for MR-Guided Radiotherapy in a 3D-Printed Anthropomorphic Multimodality Phantom, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jul. 2018.
  • K. Singhrao, Y. Yang, T. Wong, G. Chee, J. Fu, D.A. Low, and J.H. Lewis, A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) compatible anthropomorphic pelvic phantom for MRI-guided radiotherapy, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Annual Meeting, Mar. 2018.
  • K. Singhrao, D. Ruan, Y. Yang, G. Chee and J.H. Lewis, An Evaluation of the Visibility and Detectability of Intra-prostatic Gold Markers in MR Images for Treatment Planning, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting, Jun. 2017.

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