Let’s Meet

Come enjoy the visually delightful and relaxing waterfront environment of San Francisco, while obtaining a focused training and update on hypofractionation and its most common applications, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). We will cover the basics of stereotactic radiobiology and physics, established and emerging clinical applications of SRS/SBRT and hypofractionation, integration of SRS/SBRT with targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy, new techniques for planning and delivering stereotactic treatments, and approaches to SRS/SBRT quality assurance and verification. The course will review practical implementation of hypofractionation and/or stereotactic radiotherapy for patients. Case studies, templates, and resource materials will be provided, along with close personal interaction with expert panelists, to maximize learning opportunities.
At the end of this activity, attendees should be able to:
• Describe the fundamental radiobiological principles governing hypofractionation.
• Name the major image guidance and dose summation technologies that can be used for SBRT.
• Develop an optimal prostate SBRT plan.
• Contour a breast plan in preparation for hypofractionated treatment planning.
• Combine lung SBRT with systemic therapies or immunotherapy.
• Combine head and neck SBRT with systemic therapies or immunotherapy.
• Incorporate MR into liver SBRT delivery.
• Decide between single and multi-fraction SRS for brain metastases.
• Select hypofractionation versus IMRT-SIB techniques for gynecologic cancers.
Please click here to view the complete program
To register for this course, please click here to access the CME registration site
Questions? Please contact Alan Taniguchi at