Our Team

Nauman Malik, MD, MSc
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Education |
- Radiation Oncology Residency, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (2017 – 2022)
- Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London, London, England (2019 – 2021)
- Medical Degree, Western University, London, Canada (2013 – 2017)
- Hon. Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (2008 – 2013)
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Awards & Honors |
- Princess Margaret Innovation in Education Award (2021)
- W. J. Simpson Award for Academic Excellence in Research (2019)
- Ivan H. Smith Memorial Prize (2017)
- Dr. G. Edward Hall Accessibility Award in Medicine (2014 – 2017)
- Mayo Clinic Caring Physicians of the World Leadership, Advocacy, and Media Training Course (2017)
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Selected Publications, Abstracts and Posters |
- Wu D, Malik N, Kim M, Stuckless, T, Halperin R, Archambault J, Thompson R, Ringash J, Brundage M, Loewen S. Employment Outcomes for Canadian Radiation Oncology Graduates: 2020 Assessment and Longitudinal Trends. Advances in Radiation Oncology. Accepted for publication January 25, 2022.
- Geraghty B, Dasgupta A, Sandhu M, Malik N, Maralani PJ, Detsky J, Tseng CL, Soliman H, Myrehaug S, Husain Z, Perry J. Predicting Survival in Patients with Glioblastoma Using MRI Radiomic Features Extracted from Radiation Planning Volumes. Journal of Neuro‐Oncology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs‐1078827/v1
- Kim, M.S.*, Malik, N.H.*, Kim, M.S., Chen, H., Poon, I., Husain, Z., Eskander, A., Boldt, R.G., Louie, A.V. and Karam, I., 2020. Stereotactic Radiotherapy as planned boost after definitive radiotherapy for Head & Neck Cancers: A Systematic Review. Head & Neck. *Indicates co‐first authors. Accepted for publication on December 2, 2021
- Malik N*, Geraghty B*, Dasgupta A, Maralani PJ, Sandhu M, Detsky J, Tseng CL, Soliman H, Myrehaug S, Husain Z, Perry J. MRI radiomics to differentiate between low grade glioma and glioblastoma peritumoral region. Journal of Neuro‐Oncology. 2021 Oct 25:1‐1. Doi: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs‐758924/v1 *Indicates co‐first authors
- Keilty DM*, Malik N*, Ringash J, Halperin R, Brundage M, Doll C, Loewen S. Canadian Perspectives on Radiation Oncologist Workforce Planning and the Job Market. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics. *Indicates co‐first authors. Accepted for publication on September 28, 2021
- Dasgupta A, Geraghty B, Maralani PJ, Malik N, Sandhu M, Detsky J, Tseng CL, Soliman H, Myrehaug S, Husain Z, Perry J. Quantitative mapping of individual voxels in the peritumoral region of IDH‐wildtype glioblastoma to distinguish between tumor infiltration and edema. Journal of Neuro‐Oncology. 2021 Apr 27:1‐1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11060‐021‐03762‐2
- Giuliani M, Samoil D, Agarwal A, Croke J, Golden DW, Hirsch AE, Jimenez R, Malik NH, Papadakos J, Wu CH, Ingledew PA. Exploring the perceived educational impact of COVID‐19 on postgraduate training in oncology: impact of selfdetermination and resilience. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 Feb;12(1):e180. doi: 10.36834/cmej.70529
- Malik NH, Kim MS, Chen H, Poon I, Husain Z, Eskander A, Boldt RG, Louie AV, Karam I. Stereotactic Radiotherapy for de novo Head & Neck Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis. Advances in radiation oncology. 2020 Nov 28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adro.2020.11.013
- Shahi J, Poon I, Ung YC, Tsao M, Bjarnason GA, Malik NH, Zhang L, Louie AV, Cheung P. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Node Metastases. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology* Physics. 2021 Mar 1;109(3):764‐74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2020.10.004
- Malik NH, Maganti M, McQuestion M, Tjong MC, Keilty D, Monteiro E, Huang SH, Jang RW, Gomes A, Pun J, Ringash J. Pretreatment psychoeducational intervention and outcomes in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2021 Mar;29(3):1643‐52. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520‐020‐05627‐2
- Malik NH, Li GJ, Giuliani M, Brundage M, Caissie A, Cao JQ, Halperin R, Ingledew PA, Vigneault E, Bezjak A. Mapping the current state of Canadian medical school oncology interest groups. Journal of Cancer Education. 2020 Jun 27:1‐7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187‐020‐01803‐4
- Tjong MC, Malik NH, Chen H, Boldt RG, Li G, Cheung P, Poon I, Ung YC, Tsao M, Louie AV. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for malignant mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy: a systematic review. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2020 May;12(5):2280. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2020.03.112
- Malik NH, Keilty DM, Louie AV. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy versus metastasectomy for pulmonary metastases: guiding treatment in the oligometastatic era. Journal of thoracic disease. 2019 May;11(Suppl 9):S1333. doi:10.21037/jtd.2019.04.16
- Malik N, Palma D. Oligometastatic non‐small cell lung cancer: Where do we go next?. Lung Cancer. 2017 Apr 1;106:145‐7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lungcan.2016.12.014
- You P, Malik N, Scott G, Fung K. Current state of interprofessional education in Canadian medical schools: Findings from a national survey. Journal of interprofessional care. 2017 Sep 3;31(5):670‐2. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2017.1315060
- Giannopoulos E, Agarwal A, Croke, J, Golden D, Hirsch A, Jimenez R, Malik NH, Papadakos J, Kwarley Quartey N, Samoil D, Wu D, Ingledew PA, Giuliani M. Exploring the perceived educational impact of COVID‐19 on postgraduate training in oncology. Journal of Cancer Education (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187‐022‐02192‐6
- Advancing Global Oncology Competency in Cancer Care: The CARO‐ARRO Collaborative Global Oncology Enrichment Program. Meredith Giuliani, Sarah Storer, Ankit Aggarwal, Justin Anderson, JeanMarc Bourque, Jessica Chan, Shekinah Elmore, Ariel Hirsch, Becky Lee, Nauman Malik, Tina Papadakos, Michael Roumeliotis, Danielle Rodin. ICEC 2021.
- Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on postgraduate training in radiation oncology. Meredith Giuliani, Diana Samoil, Ankit Aggarwal, Jennifer Croke, Eleni Giannopoulos, Daniel Golden, Ariel E. Hirsch, Rachel Gimenez, Nauman Malik, Janet Papadakos, Naa Kwarley Quartey, Che Hsuan David Wu, ParisAnn Ingledew. ICEC 2021.
- Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Node Metastases: A Single Institutional Review of Clinical Outcomes. Jeevin Shahi, Ian Poon, Yee Ung, May Tsao, Nauman Malik, Liying Zhang, Alexander Louie, Patrick Cheung. ASTRO 2020.
- MRI‐radiomic signature for differentiating low grade glioma from peritumoral region of glioblastoma. Michael Sandhu, Archya Dasgupta, Benjamin Geraghty, Nauman Malik, Pejman Maralani, Jay Detsky, Arjun Sahgal, Gregory Czarnota. ASTRO 2020.
- Quantitative mapping of the peritumoral region to demarcate areas of tumor infiltration from vasogenic edema in radiation planning MRI of glioblastoma through extrapolation of a 10‐feature radiomic signature. Benjamin Geraghty, Archya Dasgupta, Michael Sandhu, Nauman Malik, Pejman Maralani, Jay Detsky, Arjun Sahgal, Gregory Czarnota. ASTRO 2020. This abstract won the Basic/Translational Science Award.
- Factors That Promote Medical Student Interest in Radiation Oncology: A Survey of Canadian Radiation Oncology Residents. Dosani, Maryam, Meredith Giuliani, Daniel W. Golden, Rachel Jimenez, Ariel E. Hirsch, Amanda Caissie, Nauman Malik, Timothy Kong, Timothy K. Nguyen, and Paris‐Ann Ingledew. CARO 2020.
- Ringash, Jolie, Nauman Malik, Shao Hui Huang, Andrea Gomes, Raymond Jang, Eric Monteiro, Joanne Pun, and Maurene McQuestion. “Preaching To The Choir? Supportive Care Uptake And Patient Experience With Head And Neck Cancer.” In Quality Of Life Research, Vol. 27, Pp. S187‐S188. Van Godewijckstraat 30, 3311 Gz Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2018
- Stereotactic Radiotherapy for de novo Head & Neck Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis. Nauman Malik, Michael S Kim, Hanbo Chen, Ian Poon, Zain Husain, Antoine Eskander, R. Gabriel Boldt, Alexander V. Louie, Irene Karam. ASTRO 2020.
- Pre‐treatment Class Attendance and Outcomes in Head & Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation. Nauman Malik, Manjula Maganti, Maurene McQuestion, Michael Tjong, Dana Keilty, Eric Monteiro, Shao Hui Huang, Raymond Woo‐Jun Jang, Andrea Gomes, Joanne Pun, Jolie Ringash. American Society for Radiation Oncology, Annual Meeting 2019.
- Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy: A Systematic Review. Michael Tjong, Nauman Malik, Gabriel Boldt, George Li, Patrick Cheung, Ian Poon, Yee Ung, Alexander Louie. University of Toronto Radiation Oncology Research Day 2019.
- Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy: A Systematic Review. Michael Tjong, Nauman Malik, Gabriel Boldt, George Li, Patrick Cheung, Ian Poon, Yee Ung, Alexander Louie. American Society for Radiation Oncology, Annual Meeting 2019.