Our Team

Nicolas D. Prionas, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology
Meet Dr. Prionas
Dr. Nicolas Prionas, M.D. Ph.D., is a radiation oncologist with clinical expertise and interest in the detection, diagnosis, and management of breast cancer. As a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, he is passionate about bringing UCSF care into the community across the entire region. He treats people with malignancies of all disease sites and has expertise in specialized procedures including intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), stereotactic ablative/body radiotherapy (SABR/SBRT), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), and intra-operative radiotherapy (IORT).
Dr. Prionas received a B.S. in Biomedical Computation and a M.S. in Biomechanical Engineering from Stanford University. He completed joint MD/PhD training in Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine where his research specialized in quantitative imaging and radiotherapy using a novel dedicated breast computed tomography platform. Prior to arriving at UCSF, he completed Radiation Oncology Residency training at Stanford University where he was awarded the Malcolm A. Bagshaw Award for leadership and outstanding scientific achievement. Dr. Prionas is the Associate Director of Quality Initiatives and his research focuses on technologies that increase access to equitable care.
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Professional Experience
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Awards & Honors
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Significant Research HighlightsN.D. Prionas, R. von Eyben, E. Yi, S. Aggarwal, J. Shaffer, J. Bazan, D. Eastham, P.G. Maxim, E.E.Graves, M. Diehn, M.F. Gensheimer, B.W. Loo. “Increases in serial pre-treatment 18F-FDG PET/CT metrics are prognostic of regional and distant recurrence in early stage non-small cell lung cancer treated with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy,” Adv Radiat Oncol (2019) [In Press] A.U. Kishan, A. Dang, A.J. Katz, C.A. Mantz, S.P. Collins, N. Aghdam, F. Chu, I.D. Kaplan, L. Appelbaum, D.B. Fuller, R.M. Meier, D.A. Loblaw, P. Cheung, H.T. Pham, N. Shaverdian, N. Jiang, Y. Yuan, H. Bagshaw, N. Prionas, M.K. Buyyounouski, D.E. Spratt, P.W. Linson, R.L. Hong, N.G.Nickols, M.L. Steinberg, P.A. Kupelian, C.R. King. “Long-term Outcomes of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Low-Risk and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer,” JAMA Netw Open 2(2):e188006 (2019). PMID 30735235 Y.Qian, R. von Eyben, Y. Liu, F.T. Chin, Z. Miao, S. Apte, J.N. Carter, M.S. Binkley, E.L. Pollom, J.P. Harris, N.D. Prionas, M. Kissel, A. Simmons, M. Diehn, D.B. Shultz, J.M. Brown, P.G. Maxim, A.C. Koong, E.E. Graves, B.W. Loo. “18F-EF5 PET-based Imageable Hypoxia Predicts Local Recurrence in Tumors Treated With Highly Conformal Radiation Therapy,” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol PhysS0360-3016(18)30596-0 (2018). PMID 29859786 A.U. Kishan, P.C. Wang, S.K. Upadhyaya, H. Hauswald, D.J. Demanes, N.G. Nickols, M. Kamrava, A. Sadeghi, P.A. Kupelian, M.L. Steinberg, N.D. Prionas, M.K. Buyyounouski, C.R. King. “SBRT and HDR brachytherapy produce lower PSA nadirs and different PSA decay patterns than conventionally fractionated IMRT in patients with low- or intermediate-risk prostate cancer,” Pract Radiat Oncol 6(4):268-275 (2016). PMID 26850649 S. Aminololama-Shakeri, C.K. Abbey, P. Gazi, N.D. Prionas, A. Nosratieh, C.S. Li, J.M. Boone,K.K. Lindfors, “Differentiation of ductal carcinoma in-situ from benign micro-calcifications by dedicated breast computed tomography,” Eur J Radiol 85(1),297-303 (2016). PMID 26520874 N.D. Prionas, S. Aminololama-Shakeri, K. Yang, S.R. Martinez, K.K. Lindfors, J.M. Boone,“Contrast-enhanced Dedicated Breast Computed Tomography Detection of Invasive Breast CancerPreceding Mammographic Diagnosis,” Radiology Case Reports 10(2), 936 (2015) ISSN 19300433 N.D. Prionas, S.E. McKenney, R.L. Stern, J.M. Boone, “Kilovoltage Rotational External Beam Radiotherapy on a Breast Computed Tomography Platform: A Feasibility Study,” Int J Radiat Oncol 84, 533-539 (2012). PMID 22436786 N.D. Prionas, G.W. Burkett, S.E. McKenney, L. Chen, R.L. Stern, J.M. Boone, “Development of a patient-specific two-compartment anthropomorphic breast phantom,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57, 4293-4307 (2012). PMID 22705748 R.W. Katzberg, W.L. Monsky, N.D. Prionas, V. Sidhar, J. Southard, J. Carlson, J.M. Boone, T.C. Lin, C.S. Li, “Persistent CT nephrograms following cardiac catheterisation and intervention: initial observations,” Insights Imaging 3, 49-60 (2012). PMID 22695998 N.D. Prionas, S.Y. Huang and J.M. Boone, “Experimentally determined spectral optimization for dedicated breast computed tomography,” Med Phys 38, 646-655 (2011). PMID 21452702 S.H. Huang, S. Y., J.M. Boone, K. Yang, N.J. Packard, S.E. McKenney, N.D. Prionas, K.K. Lindfors, M.J. Yaffe, “The characterization of breast anatomical metrics using dedicated breast CT,” Medical Physics 38, 2180-2191 (2011). PMID 21626952 Patents: Larry Partain, Mingshan Sun, Edward J. Seppi, Raisa Pavlyuchkova, Arundhuti Ganguly, Stavros Prionas, James E. Clayton, Nicolas Prionas, John M. Boone. “United States Patent 8935099 B2 Method and system for identifying, assessing, and managing cancer disease”, Varian Medical Systems, Inc, Sep 19, 2012 |