Our Team
Olivier Morin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Physics
Department of Radiation Oncology
Married high-school sweetheart, father of two, soccer player and former international dance teacher.
Meet Dr. Morin
Research and Creative Activities Summary
Our research laboratory creates multi-omics prediction models for personalized cancer diagnosis and treatment. I serve as the principal investigator for the MEDomics Consortium. Our group has active research activities in quantitative imaging, natural language processing and the creation of prognostic machine learning models. Our informatics efforts use a wealth of digital information to build point-of-care artificial intelligence tools aimed at assisting physicians in the clinic. Novel algorithms are being developed to produce interpretable multi-criteria analyses using clinical, imaging and genetics data.
Professional Experience
Awards & Honors
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1l3Shbo1yyfAz/bibliography/public/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=awU_VPkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Recent Significant PublicationsPouliot J, Bani-Hashemi A, Chen J, Svatos M, Ghelmansarai F, Mitschke M, Aubin M, Xia P, Morin O, Bucci K, Roach M, Hernandez P, Zheng Z, Hristov D, Verhey L. Low-dose megavoltage cone-beam CT for radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005 Feb 01; 61(2):552-60. PMID: 15736320 Morin O, Gillis A, Chen J, Aubin M, Bucci MK, Roach M, Pouliot J. Megavoltage cone-beam CT: system description and clinical applications. Med Dosim. 2006; 31(1):51-61. PMID: 16551529 Morin O, Chen J, Aubin M, Gillis A, Aubry JF, Bose S, Chen H, Descovich M, Xia P, Pouliot J. Dose calculation using megavoltage cone-beam CT. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Mar 15; 67(4):1201-10. PMID: 17336221 Morin O, Gillis A, Descovich M, Chen J, Aubin M, Aubry JF, Chen H, Gottschalk AR, Xia P, Pouliot J. Patient dose considerations for routine megavoltage cone-beam CT imaging. Med Phys. 2007 May; 34(5):1819-27. PMID: 17555263 Morin O, Aubry JF, Aubin M, Chen J, Descovich M, Hashemi AB, Pouliot J. Physical performance and image optimization of megavoltage cone-beam CT. Med Phys. 2009 Apr; 36(4):1421-32. PMID: 19472649 Morin O, Vallières M, Jochems A, Woodruff HC, Valdes G, Braunstein SE, Wildberger JE, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Kearney V, Yom SS, Solberg TD, Lambin P. A Deep Look Into the Future of Quantitative Imaging in Oncology: A Statement of Working Principles and Proposal for Change. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 11 15; 102(4):1074-1082. PMID: 30170101 Morin O, Chen WC, Nassiri F, Susko M, Magill ST, Vasudevan HN, Wu A, Vallières M, Gennatas ED, Valdes G, Pekmezci M, Alcaide-Leon P, Choudhury A, Interian Y, Mortezavi S, Turgutlu K, Bush NAO, Solberg TD, Braunstein SE, Sneed PK, Perry A, Zadeh G, McDermott MW, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Raleigh DR. Integrated models incorporating radiologic and radiomic features predict meningioma grade, local failure, and overall survival. Neurooncol Adv. 2019 May-Dec; 1(1):vdz011. PMID: 31608329. PMCID: PMC6777505 Zwanenburg A, Vallières M, Abdalah MA, Aerts HJWL, Andrearczyk V, Apte A, Ashrafinia S, Bakas S, Beukinga RJ, Boellaard R, Bogowicz M, Boldrini L, Buvat I, Cook GJR, Davatzikos C, Depeursinge A, Desseroit MC, Dinapoli N, Dinh CV, Echegaray S, El Naqa I, Fedorov AY, Gatta R, Gillies RJ, Goh V, Götz M, Guckenberger M, Ha SM, Hatt M, Isensee F, Lambin P, Leger S, Leijenaar RTH, Lenkowicz J, Lippert F, Losnegård A, Maier-Hein KH, Morin O, Müller H, Napel S, Nioche C, Orlhac F, Pati S, Pfaehler EAG, Rahmim A, Rao AUK, Scherer J, Siddique MM, Sijtsema NM, Socarras Fernandez J, Spezi E, Steenbakkers RJHM, Tanadini-Lang S, Thorwarth D, Troost EGC, Upadhaya T, Valentini V, van Dijk LV, van Griethuysen J, van Velden FHP, Whybra P, Richter C, Löck S. The Image Biomarker Standardization Initiative: Standardized Quantitative Radiomics for High-Throughput Image-based Phenotyping. Radiology. 2020 Mar 10; 191145. PMID: 32154773 Morin, O, Vallières, M, Braunstein, S, Ginart, JB, Upadhaya, T, Woodruff, HC, Zwanenburg, A, Chatterjee, A, Villanueva-Meyer, JE, Valdes, G, Chen, W, Hong, JC, Yom, S, Solberg, T, Löck, S, Seuntjens, J, Park, C, Lambin, P. An artificial intelligence framework integrating longitudinal electronic health records with real-world data enables continuous pan-cancer prognostication. Nature Cancer volume 2, pages 709–722 (2021) Primakov, S.P., Ibrahim, A., van Timmeren, J.E. et al. Automated detection and segmentation of non-small cell lung cancer computed tomography images. Nat Commun13, 3423 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30841-3 Phillip D.H. Wall, Emily Hirata, Olivier Morin, Gilmer Valdes, Alon Witztum, Prospective Clinical Validation of Virtual Patient-Specific Quality Assurance of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Radiation Therapy Plans, International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 113, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 1091-1102, ISSN 0360-3016, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2022.04.040 Michaël Claessens, Carmen Seller Oria, Charlotte L. Brouwer, Benjamin P. Ziemer, Jessica E. Scholey, Hui Lin, Alon Witztum, Olivier Morin, Issam El Naqa, Wouter Van Elmpt, Dirk Verellen, Quality Assurance for AI-Based Applications in Radiation Therapy, Seminars in Radiation Oncology, Volume 32, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 421-431, ISSN 1053-4296, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semradonc.2022.06.011. Sneed, Penny K et al. Adverse Radiation Effect and Freedom from Progression Following Repeat Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases. Journal of neurosurgery. 138.1 (2023): 104–112. Web. |