Conditions We Treat
Prostate / genitourinary cancers (GU)
UCSF is a world leader in prostate cancer care and research. Our approach to care delivery is multimodal and team-based. There are many treatment options available in prostate cancer care. Your radiation oncologist will help you decide which treatment strategy is best for your stage of the disease. UCSF Radiation Oncology offers traditional external beam radiation therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy ( or IMRT), high dose rate brachytherapy (via temporary tube placement), permanent radiation implants (radiation seeds), and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT with CyberKnife). Depending on your individual situation, a combination of these therapies may be utilized. Routinely, image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is used to treat prostate cancer patients both with an intact prostate gland and after radical prostatectomy. IGRT can be done with daily electronic portal imaging device (EPID) and /or megavoltage cone beam CT scan (MVCBCT).
At your initial consultation visit, you will meet your radiation oncologist. He will perform a comprehensive physical examination and take your medical history. Based on the information about your prostate cancer, he will discuss the best treatment options for you and your alternatives. There will be ample time for you to discuss your options. We understand that you may have many questions about your treatment and are sensitive to your needs. Some patients with prostate cancer are additionally treated with hormone therapies. These treatments can be discussed as well. We pay special attention to discussing the side effects of prostate cancer therapies and are available to guide you through your care. The Prostate Service Nurse, Ludene Wong, RN, MA is available to answer questions at 415-353-7175.
UCSF offers many clinical trials in radiation oncology that you may consider. Current trials can be reviewed at our website ( UCSF is a Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) member.
Many other services are available to the patients receiving care at UCSF. These services include movement classes, art therapy, educational lectures, support groups and nutrition counseling. Most services are provided free of charge. You can review the UCSF Joseph and Ida Friend Cancer Resource Center website at Please ask about our services! We are happy to be involved in your care!
Prostate Cancer Education Documents
Helpful Links
UCSF Prostate Cancer Center
UCSF Prostate Cancer Condition and Treatments