Training Program

Clinical Competency Committee
Clinical Competency Committee
The goal of this Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) is to provide broad input to the Program Director about each resident’s performance in the Radiation Oncology Training Program. The CCC functions in an advisory role by meeting regularly to review all completed evaluations and providing a consensus-based recommendation to the Program Director as to the standing of each trainee in the program. The Committee will provide performance-based assessments that respect the personal privacy of the residents in the program. The Committee will function objectively and in a manner that promotes the highest levels of professionalism and confidentiality. The Program Director has final responsibility for each trainee’s evaluation and promotion decisions.
The CCC will have at least three members of the program faculty and meet every six months. Faculty members may include physicians and non-physicians from the Radiation Oncology program or required rotations in other specialties who teach and evaluate the residents. Meeting minutes will be taken as a brief summary written in a fair and balanced manner.
The Clinical Competency Committee of Radiation Oncology is composed of the following members:
- Steve Braunstein, M.D., Faculty, Medical Residency Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Lauren Boreta, M.D., Assistant Professor, Associate Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- David Raleigh, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Associate Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Chair: Shannon Fogh, M.D., Associate Professor In Residence, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Jean Nakamura, M.D., Associate Professor In Residence, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Martina Descovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor In Residence, Physicist, Physics Residency Associate Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, Ph.D., Professor and Vice Chair, Research, Department of Radiation Oncology
The committee’s responsibilities are to:
- Review all resident evaluations semi-annually;
- Prepare and assure the reporting of Milestones evaluations of each resident semi-annually to the ACGME (RRC);
- Advise the Program Director regarding resident progress, including promotion, remediation, and dismissal;
- Prepare a report summarizing the Committee’s recommendations and rationale for recommending any adverse action from each meeting; and
- Advise the Program Evaluation Committee about any evaluation issues identified during CCC meetings.