Program Evaluation Committee
Program Evaluation Committee Policy
The goal of this Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) is to oversee curriculum development and program evaluations for the Radiation Oncology Training Program.
The PEC of Radiation Oncology will meet annually. The PEC will have at least three members, two program faculty and one trainee from the program, unless there are no enrolled trainees in the program. Faculty members may include physicians and non-physicians from the Radiation Oncology Program. The PEC is composed of the following members:
- Chair: Steve Braunstein, M.D., Faculty, Medical Residency Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Lauren Boreta, M.D., Assistant Professor,, Associate Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- David Raleigh, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Associate Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Shannon Fogh, M.D., Associate Professor In Residence, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Penny Sneed, M.D., Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Martina Descovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor In Residence, Physicist, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, Ph.D., Professor and Vice Chair, Research, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Pending – Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology
The committee’s responsibilities are to:
- Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate educational activities of the program;
- Review and make recommendations for revision of competency-based curriculum goals and objectives;
- Address areas of non-compliance with ACGME standards;
- Review the program annually using evaluations of faculty, residents, and others;
- Document on behalf of the program, formal, systematic evaluation of the curriculum at least annually and render a written Annual Program Evaluation (APE), which must be submitted to the GMEC annually in the Annual Program Director Update;
- Monitor and track each of the following:
- Resident performance;
- Faculty development;
- Graduate performance including performance on certifying examination;
- Program quality; and
- Progress in achieving goals set forth in previous year’s action plan.
- Review recommendations from the Clinical Competency Committee.
The PEC will be provided with confidential resident/clinical fellow and faculty evaluation data by the program’s administrative staff in order to conduct their business.
The Program Director is ultimately responsible for the work of the PEC. The Program Director must assure that the annual action plan is reviewed and approved by the program’s teaching faculty. The approval must be documented in meeting minutes. The program’s annual action plan and report on the program’s progress on initiatives from the previous year’s action plan must be sent to the GME office annually.